Mirren Live New York 2016

Winning Amidst the Trend to In-House Agencies

[icons fa_size='fa-1x' custom_size='' icon_pack='font_awesome' fa_icon='fa-microphone' fe_icon='' type='normal' position='' border_color='' icon_color='' background_color='' margin='' icon_animation='' icon_animation_delay='' link='' target='_self']  Eric will be giving a talk to leading agency CEO  |  May 17 @ 2:45pm

Agencies have no shortage of changes and challenges to manage through.

10 years ago the agency landscape was fragmented with dozens of types of external service providers to Marketing. Now the shift to digital has meant sweeping change and the landscape has had to reform around new digital capabilities while trying to maintain margins.

Adding to the list of changes and challenges is the not-so-new threat presented by in-house agencies. In the period from 2008 to 2013 alone the ANA reported that the number of firms with in-house agencies rose from 42% to 58%. While some external agencies have already been threatened, others not yet impacted will undoubtedly be threatened in the future. The landscape of once fragmented agencies continues to converge on distinct agency types driven by how clients are buying their services, and the in-house agency is a key component. What’s more, clients are demanding external agencies “collaborate” to generate ideas and create content to meet their brand goals.

Does all of this mean opportunity or threat?

In this session, Eric will share how CMOs are now thinking about the division of labor between internal and external resources (are you just another resource?), and the real world basis for how you can stem the potential threat for each of the services areas presented by in-house agencies to grow profit and maintain the strategic relationships agencies have historically had.



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